• Pie crusts desire circular perfection. Download this template to print on parchment for full details on glorious pie crusts.
  • I am so over the top obsessed with these French macaron cases for vitamins/earrings/ etc. I wish you the best of luck finding them in stock anywhere. I bought mine last week as soon as they were for sale, and am now on a waiting list for a new batch....in February. 
  • Why MTV stopped playing music videos. Best video I've seen in a while. Also, major warning here, there is a lot of MTV generational profanity. 
  • How to make pomanders for the holidays. 
  • The ultimate nutrition infographic guide to nuts. Definitely worth checking out for the holiday parties that always have mixed nuts!
  • I mentioned this Chobani healthy substitution chart when I co-hosted the Babes Cook Twitter chat earlier this month. It rocks. 
  • This butternut squash tart looks fabulous.