Happy Friday! I'm definitely battling a major sore throat from a handful of presentations this week. But it's a good sore in that I had so many wonderful people come up to talk to me after my big presentation at the Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics annual meeting from Monday! First I did a presentation on how to use social media to elevate yourself as an expert in the field and then did a social media panel discussion with Kath from Kath Eats Real Food and another dietitian who has a local cooking show. The funny thing is, I always have people ask "how did it go?" or "how do you think you did??" after I give presentations or cooking demos and my response is usually "I have no idea!". Am I the only one who sometimes feels like they blackout during presentations? I can tell if I keep an even rhythm, what my tone sounds like or if I've set something on fire, but other than that I'm in the dark! Whew, luckily I had some honestly amazing feedback on my presentation from students, the respected elders and everyone in between. I'm so thrilled because I kind of had my doubts about how this topic would take with a pretty conservative profession. I'm glad I was proved wrong!... So much so that I'll actually be talking with our national board and all of the dietetic associations from each state via webinar later this month on how we use social media for public policy efforts (in my role as VAND's public relations chair).  It makes me really excited to speak at our National conference this fall on a similar topic too! I heart social media in a big way. 

On that note, this spring apricot DIY tea blend and apricot tea cocktail I made with Rebekah from I Write Gourmet is over on Style Me Pretty Living (I know, two in one week!). Needless to say I have a lot of love for our photographer and friend Yvonne right now for her hard work! Also, this tea? Perfect for a sore throat. 

Before I head out for the weekend, I also want to remind any students that I am still accepting internship applications! The due date is the 13th.


Be sure to go see the feature on Style Me Pretty Living!!! 


Photos by Yvonne Rock 

On Style Me Pretty Living: Apricot Tea and Cocktail 
On Style Me Pretty Living: Apricot Tea and Cocktail 
On Style Me Pretty Living: Apricot Tea and Cocktail 
On Style Me Pretty Living: Apricot Tea and Cocktail 

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.