Guys. Huffington Post Weddings is sharing my love of wedding wellness: 5 Top Secret Beauty Tips for Healthy Brides. And we are going to live healthfully ever after.

I love to write. Really, I do. Laundry, cooking and writing are all very zen for me.  But I specifically like to write about food and nutrition... in a way that isn't mumbo-jumbo scientific journal speak. I like usable information. Even when I, the dietitian, read blogs on nutrition I want to say I want to know precisely why the information is being shared in the first place. How can I fit it into my life? Why is it important? And I think that's where some of us in the health profession go wrong: We give TMI and don't translate it well.  So when I share nutrition via the clickity clack of my keyboard, I try very hard indeed to make it worth your while. 

Bottom line: I can't believe in all the years of white dresses, marriage and cake eating that we still live in a society where moments after an engagement...the bride starts plotting how to crash diet. Notice I don't say my beloved bride plans on how she can learn to be healthier and happen to lose weight, get amazing skin and hair...and keep it that way. Maybe it's because the science hasn't been translated well or scattered into fabulous tweet-able fragments to be spread like confetti. But maybe you can help.


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I'm so excited to share the the first, of what I hope will be several, articles with Huffington Post Weddings. Please help me spread the article love: Tweet it, Facebook it, Email, Pin, Comment! And take these five tips to heart, engaged or not:

1. Fat makes you beautiful

2. Have a slow luxurious dinner 

3. Eat more, not less 

4. Pre-game for parties

5. It's all about the green



Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.