
Currently celebrating...turning 24! Monday was my birthday, so I skipped blogging to goof off all day. The husband gave me an early gift the other week: a cream Kate Spade wallet/ clutch and J. Crew Ettas which are en route to the house. Both are closet staples that I've evaluated for, seriously, months. I know I'll use these both for a long time!

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Currently eating...favorites! Birthdays are approximately 93% about the food. I started with my favorite bagels and lox with lemon. I know most people use smoked salmon, but I love to buy a fillet, broil it and then flake it onto the bagel with fresh lemon. I also made schaum tortes (Schaum torte recipe and detailed photos here), a party platter of veggies, cheese and fruit, and a rosemary/grapefruit/peach cocktail. A party platter for me usually consists of: salmon or shrimp, cheese, dried fruit, sliced fresh fruit, baby lettuce, olives and some sort of veggie (carrots/baby asparagus etc). Elizabeth also sent me the coolest chocolate ever: Taza salt and pepper. 

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 Currently watching...polo. I have always wanted to go see the polo matches. I know this sounds odd with a dash of WTF-stuck-up, but really, there are polo matches all the time in Northern Virginia. On Saturday we packed a picnic and cocktails and headed to Twilight Polo. You pay an entry fee by the car ($30), so grab some friends, a blanket to sit on, and enjoy! We got to see three games one of which featured the US team captain. It was a ton of fun and I'll definitely be headed back this summer (...when not at Wolf Trap).

Currently enjoying...the farmers market. Oh summer market...so amazing. At opening the husband, brother and I went to pick up goodies. We got peonies, ciabatta bread, sourkraut, local bacon and a stevia plant (per request of Dad).  As a pescatarian, I literally have not eaten pork products in over a decade....but I'm starting to be okay with a slice of bacon in a sandwich or on greens, as long as it's local. And I think I'm okay with it. 

Currently reading...see a later post. On the actual day of my birthday, I spent a ton of time reading. So much, that there will be a separate post for anyone else looking for a good read this summer!


What's on your summer bucket lists? NoVA/DC crowd-I especially want to hear from you! 


Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.