Currently celebrating... The Capital Area Fashion and Beauty Bloggers 2nd birthday! I went to a screening of the documentary The Tents, followed by a Q&A with the director. The film researches how the fashion shows and the big white tents at Bryant Park came to be. It was no small undertaking. Seriously. Let's think about the logistics for a sec. With interviews including Betsy Johnson, cray cray Christian Siriano and even details on the program that was started to help models become healthier (still a long way to go society, but it's a step), you get the whole story. 

Currently partying with... South Moon Under at Mosaic District and Rebecca Minkoff. It can be really hard to pull of a party in a retail location. Sometimes not enough people show up. Sometimes there's no reason to stick around. And sometimes it's awkward to shop. Not what you want. But, SMU pulled this one off in a wonderful way. From the DJ, drinks, appetizers, giveaway, I had a great time! I picked up a cream and gold structural bib necklace that I know I'll get tons of use from. Side note: I'm also in love with this candle they put in my goody bag. 

Currently watching...The Perks of Being a Wallflower. WHAT!? Hermione? You are so much cooler than I ever knew. If you haven't seen this sharply witty, sweet and sad coming of age story, you're missing out. 

Currently reading...Donatella Cooks and The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook. I love to read cookbooks. Unfortunately there are many really bad ones out there. A cookbook needs well done food photography and a personality. So many books on the market are written in the same tone, so serious, and so boring with the recipes. Both books are a breath of fresh air and I pulled a lot of inspiring ideas to use in the future. Also, Jaden Hair (Steamy Kitchen blogger) wrote possibly the best intro to a book I have read in years. As in, I actually wanted to read the intro. 


Currently antiquing...​at the Spring Market. Saturday morning the husband, brother and I (girding our loins with copious amounts of coffee for the Moms pushing strollers like drunk drivers) went at the opening of the antique market. This event becomes more popular every year. While we still had some great finds, we noticed an increased number of shabby chic vendors...meaning vendors who buy anything and coat it in paint, making all color and fabric decisions for you. I'm sure it sells...but, just no. It makes me sad that true antiques and hidden, amazing finds are squeezed out for more mass appeal objects. Here's what we did buy:

  • ​Glass carafe
  • French linnens for food photos
  • Sexy garden rose wing back chair for my office...which we managed to fit into the trunk of a VW Passat, fastened to the chair itself with a rugby lanyard. This has quickly become the favorite seat in the house. See above.

Currently seen in...​  I was so surprised to see I was listed in Washingtonian's health blog as one of the top health instagrammers to follow in DC. And now I have even more of an excuse to snap food photos. 

​Did you go antiquing? What do you try and find?

Dietitian Nutritionist and cookbook author sharing flavor-forward recipes and simplified science-driven wellness.