When was the last time you thought about your dishes? When you did your wedding registry? When you were at Target (Let's be honest, we all get tempted by the pink dishes around Valentines Day)...have you literally never thought about dish color? Maybe you should, because this small study shows that color affects how you taste your food. Here are some of the results:

  • Chocolate tasted more chocolately in orange or cream colored dishes.
  • Drinks were more thirst quenching in cool colored cups like blue than red cups.
  • Pink cups made beverages seem sweeter.
  • Coffee tasted stronger in a brown cup.

While the science part of me wants to see the actual study (translated from Spanish por favor) and knows this sample size is redic small, it's kind of cool. We know for a fact that the size of your cups, plates, forks and spoons truly do affect how much you eat during a meal. It's exactly why I tell my clients to opt for tall skinny glasses which make it seem like you are drinking more than you are. And why you should definitely opt for a salad sized plate instead of today's platter sized plates.

In our house we opt for all white dishes so the food can take center stage. And yes, we eat on the salad plates which are still huge.

What color are your dishes?



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