This weekend the husband and I are looking forward to a staycation. No working on the house. No emails, food photography or nutrition analysis. Just really enjoying the neighborhood and each other. Living with him is like living with a BFF (For real. He's the only person I trust with my hair. I have yet to find a professional hair person I like more.) One of our my favorite indoor activities we'll be partaking in this weekend is playing board games and cards. But I have to be careful here because unless he strikes lucky and wins a round, I can't convince him to keep playing.  This specific card game I'm referring to is known as 'Spit'. It is a game that apparently some people know of, but my family has altered the general directions and or rules so much, this game is no longer recognizable to anyone else. So because poor husband has only been playing this game a few years...I have a distinct genetic advantage to kicking ass. This week's Friday Fête is in honor of those nights you and your friends have four different games going, from Scrabble to Monopoly, Bananagrams to Gin Rummy. How to: Serve Scrabble tribute letter sandwiches and easy to munch on crudités with shot glasses full of dip. Wear your lucky earrings and yellow Monopoly card colored flats. But don't forget the Kate Spade tote to take home the winnings.

What's your favorite board game?