My name is Carlene and I'm hooked on cheesy grits. Now that I'm a dietitian, I add spinach to quell my nutrition brain. How deep does said obsession run? I recently went to a conference in Georgia. On day one at breakfast I had convinced myself  they would serve grits, Georgia being a southern state and all. No grits. Traumatic incident. In college in South Central Virginia, I brought grits to make in my dorm. My New Jersey suite mate lost her mind. "What is a grit? Like what do you do with that?" And I sat there thinking 'Bless your yankee heart. There is more than one grit in a serving'. While I by no means grew up in the South (anyone living in Northern Virginia will tell you NoVA ≠ VA), I obsess about grits with cheese. This recipe is my way of introducing healthier grits to a celebratory setting. That way you can trick everyone who doesn't know what to do with a 'grit' into trying it.

Spinach Cheesy Grits Mini Spoons

Depending on spoon size, serves 8-10 appetizers


  • 1/4 C grits, dry (don't shame me and buy instant grits)
  • 1 C water
  • 1 C spinach, fresh chopped
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 2 tablespoons sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • salt to taste

Directions:Boil water in a small pot on the stove. Stir in grits, and allow to cook for several minutes, stirring occasionally so the grits don't make it impossible to clean your pot later. Add salt, and shredded cheese. In a small sauté pan add butter and spinach. Cook quickly so the spinach softens but does not turn to mush! Nest spinach into the base of the spoon, adding a pile of grits on top. Dust with paprika.

I love the way the spinach adds a vegetable freshness to basically cheesy goodness. The paprika adds a bit of heat, but by no means overwhelms.

Am I the only one who loves grits?